Perfil de Nubia Navarro (Nubikini)

Fake Fest Branding · C O N C E P T

Away from home
(personal project)
Un día escuchando música mientras diseñaba, de repente sonó The Black Keys y después The Strokes y pensé: qué pasaría si en un solo lugar se presentaran bandas que existen y bandas que ya no existen.
Basado en esa sensación que te causa la música y los conciertos. Eso que te hace ir a otros espacios, te hace vivir cosas distintas y sentir lejos de casa, surgió este fake fest llamado Away From Home. Así desarrollé un proyecto sencillo donde experimenté con tipografía y formas para lograr algunos posters y recursos visuales que me permitieran divertirme mientras escuchaba mis bandas favoritas, porque en ese momento pensé en la música como algo importante que puedo compartir con muchas personas.

One day listening to music while designing, suddenly The Black Keys and then The Strokes played and I thought: what would happen if there were bands that exist and bands that no longer exist in one place.
Based on that feeling that music and concerts cause you. That which makes you go to other spaces, makes you live different things and feel away from home, this fake fest came out called Away From Home. So I developed a simple project where I experimented with typography and ways to achieve some posters and visual resources that would allow me to have fun while listening to my favorite bands, because at that time I thought of music as something important that I can share with many people.

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Fake Fest Branding · C O N C E P T
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Fake Fest Branding · C O N C E P T

Away From Home · Fake music festival made for practice purposes.

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