BERT and Ernie
18”x24” and 24”x18”
originally, these were started as part of a much, much larger series of artworks that were to be, and are, my commentary on where it seems our country and culture is today compared to when I was a child. 
The crux of the series is based on childhood cartoons and characters that I had grown up with and that represent my childhood. Now, these characters are distorted into something that will never (at least unlikely) be pure again. They used to be sharp, clean lines and brightly colored.... now they are rough, dirty, twisted and in black and white. 
now, with the reinvigorated discussion about Bert and Ernie I thought it might be apropos to post these two images that are part of a much larger series described above.
I hope you like it. I hope people will support, also with purchases, so that I can create even more and larger images, like these, that are sending out the message.
Bert and Ernie

Bert and Ernie
