Alexis Nichole Chew sin profil

Singapore Polytechnic DDVC Webpage Design

Redesign the current SP Pace Diploma in Design's Website and registration pages to create a more user friendly experience for those who want to sign up for the course.
The Approach

 Interviews and surveys were conducted to find out what was wrong with the current page. We concluded that the current webpage was too confusing to navigate and that the registration pages were too long and complicated. With that we came up with page flows and wireframes to make the experience of the user much more pleasant.
After creating the wireframes, I started designing the website to be user friendly. From what we found out from the surveys, we found out that many of them had trouble navigating the website and finding the registration page.  So to make it easier to navigate, The registration button will be part of the navigation bar and the forms will be clearer and easier to fill up.

Click here to view the webpage:
Singapore Polytechnic DDVC Webpage Design

Singapore Polytechnic DDVC Webpage Design


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