This piece is a reflection of my depression, with four figures representing different periods throughout my adolescence in chronological order. It is meant to show my physical and mental changes.

 I first used felt tipped pens, then used photoshop to fill in the colour of the clothing. I did this as I thought the design element of seamless colour compared to physical colouring best suited the overall style. Finally, deciding to finish with a black and white effect, to further convey a dark tone.  I began this project with the idea to have a simplistic style, as I thought the subject was best depicted to evoke curiosity from the viewer rather than a thorough understanding.

I envisioned a dark tone for this piece, to further aid the depiction of depression. The differences in each figure is ultimately represented to show the effect it had on these years of my life, with each figure serving a purpose, containing countless experiences and influences. 

As I spent my entire life until I was eighteen keeping this condition to myself, I wanted to display this idea by developing a secretive theme; on each figure, the solid shading, the specific stance and body positioning, the differences in fashion, yet the similarities in the facial structure all carry with them the countless attempts denying the importance of my condition, yet constant inner struggle.



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