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The Colours of Moods

The Colours of Moods

A conceptual collaboration between Nathalie Gordon and Radim Malinic.

Colours have different associations and engender different feelings in each of us – and it can be almost impossible to describe the tone you see in your mind’s eye and have someone else see it in exactly the same way. 

Say “yellow” to one person and they might conjure up a lemon tone – to another, it could be anything from corn to daffodils, dandelions or butterscotch. Colours aren’t just Pantone swatches – they carry unique meanings and memories for everyone.

The Colours of Moods is a conceptual collaboration of Radim Malnic and LA-based photographer Nathalie Gordon with an idea of trying to portray the nuances within colours and explore how our responses to them depend on our own emotions and environments by creating a series of colour-based images. 

Creative Direction and Design: Radim Malinic
Photography: Nathalie Gordon
3D Design: Tamas Arpadi
Hair and Make Up: Bethany Garita
Styling: Lauren Taylor
Model: Jesi Le Rae
The Colours of Moods