
Door of Clubs is an online platform that provides college clubs with easy access to financial support and professional opportunities. The intent for rebranding was to internally find clarity about who they are as a brand, and to also better communicate to college students what the company does. 

To better understand the challenge I listened to our users. After conducting user interviews, I learned that the main problem was that many students stop using the product because they are unclear about its function and purpose. Most importantly, I learned that students who still use the product choose it over the competition because Door of Clubs is “caring and personalized”. 


Furthermore I sent a survey to 1,500 users to learn more about what Door of Clubs means to them. I found that the users associate Door of Clubs with these three words: 

"community", "connection", and "growth"

Based on these findings, I created a system to help speak to our users by combining elements that communicate community, connection and growth with a caring feel and personalized tone. 

Door Of Clubs

Door Of Clubs
