A candle that in the end you can re-use as a tea-light holder. 
This is the way in which Fabio Verdelli | Design Studio wants to re-imagine one of the most classical and simple amongst the objects of our daily life; in between an hour-glass and a candleholder. Light it, enjoy it then turn it upside down and re-use it again.

Una candela che una volta finita può esser ri-usata per contenere un’altra candela: una tea-light.
E’ così che, a metà strada tra una clessidra ed una bugia, Fabio Verdelli | Design Studio ha voluto re-immaginare un’oggetto semplice e quotidiano. Accendila, consumala, capovolgila e ri-usala.

Design by Fabio Verdelli with Alice dal Verme and Manuel Frasson
Pictures by Alice dal Verme, Manuel Frasson and Fabio Verdelli

Model by Manuel Frasson, Alice dal Verme and Fabio Verdelli



A candle that in the end you can re-use as a tea-light holder. This is the way in which Fabio Verdelli | Design Studio wants to re-imagine one of Lue lisää
