Existing entomological field guides in print are little more than a limited collection of images that the user must sift through until they find one that resembles their specimen. Digital field guides, whether online or in the format of a mobile application, are little better. The interfaces of the online databases are poorly designed walls of text with navigation requiring a significant amount of prior knowledge of insect taxonomy. These online databases are often pieced together by students and volunteers and as such, the information found on them may at times be incomplete or incorrect. 
Entomon seeks to solve these problems by engaging the user in new methods of identification, not simply searching through images. Etomon takes advantage of the mobile devices' human interface, allowing the user to search by drawing out the specimen's body basic shapes, and searching based on the insect's physical characterisitics, rendering knowledge of complex entomological terms unnecessary. Additionally, the app's collection feature is intended to further encourage colection building between users, lending a social networking aspect to the app.
The Bugbuilder feature allows the user to identify a specimen with almost no prior knowledge of entomology. The user starts by drawing out the basic body shape of the insect, adds legs, antennae, and selects color and size. Then, based on the user's input, location, and season Entomon presents the user with a list of possible matches to select from.
With the Collection feature, the user maintains a visual record of the specimens they've found. By preseting the insects mounted on pins, the user is able to arrange the specimens however they see fit, whether it be according to size, color, taxonomic grouping, location, or date of find. 
ID Guide
The ID Guide function can be used to determine the taxonomy of an unfamiliar species. The guide asks the user a series of yes-or-no questions, with each answer the user progresses further toward identifying the specimen.
This method of identification may only be useful to the family level, at which point the distinguishing characteristics become difficult to see with the naked eye.
The location feature allows the user to use geotagging in the collection process. With it, the user maintains a record of when and where their specimens have been found, allowing the user to see the emergence of patterns. Users can see where their own specimens were collected, as well as the specimens of others. Letting users make their own identification process more efficient. 


Senior Thesis 2012.
