A psychosis is a psychiatric state in which the person involved / patient loses contact with reality completely or partly. Every human being experiences the world in their own subjective way, but, usually, has the rational part of the brain to set things in perspective.
During psychosis the perception of the outside world is fully determined by the mood, instead of also being influenced by rationality. Which makes for the differentiating between the inner and outer world to seem impossible.
This project aims at visualising how everyday life is affected by mental diseases, specifically those classified under psychoses. Each image is inspired by fragments of interviews with people still battling or having battled with these issues in the past.
“ In a sense you are never alone, it always feels like people are watching you and can join in with your thoughts “
“ My body doesn’t feel mine, my mind doesn’t feel mine, my face feels like it’s a mask and I can’t control what’s behind it ”
“ Everything around you becomes heavy and hazy. You can’t seem to focus on anything except your delusions, even though you do realise it’s not reality “
“ You just keep on trying to dial down your thoughts yet they manipulate you and it feels as if your entire body is being ripped apart by yourself ”
“ It’s like when you were younger, and you were having a nightmare. You’d want to run away but were pinned to the ground, or you’d want to scream but you can’t make any sounds. It’s like that, but constantly. “

Project Made For



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