Listeners is a ceramic work which was built in the year 2012.  It is a work shaped on a ceramic wheel. Some of them are fired with Korean slope type wood fired kiln which was constructed by Kim Yong Moon and some of them were fired in a raku kiln. (the black vessels are raku fired, the others are wood fired)
The purpose of these vessels is to collect everything around them; like sounds, magnetic fields, weather, rain, snow…etc.
I believe in this universe everything effects everything. In other words, all the things exist today are because of an effect, even us. In this case, I believe everything around these vessels leaves a trace on them and these vessels store these things, like a memory depot of this place in this universe.
In time these vessels become the home of ladybugs, at least one of them..
This photo above was taken at the end of winter, but in spring they become a family (below). The vessel was like a home for them (with a window reflection on the vessel  :)
This work is a part of project called "Chronosphere Art project" at  https://thechronosphereartproject.wordpress.com/2017/01/06/listeners-2/




Creative Fields