First project in one of my classes I just started was for a three panel sequential with no words. I thought it was a good opportunity to execute an idea for a dead mailman I had awhile back then while I was looking around I found a picture of a chopped mail jeep and just had to draw it. I made some thumbnails and really liked it for the sequential project.
I started working on these at 8x8. I am a big fan of the work of Big Daddy Roth, the guy who made very unique vehicles and also illustrated them and other classics. I tries to bring some of that into the depiction of the mail jeep hot rod as I drew it. I didn't wasn't to go as stylized as him with this considering that it isn't a stand alone piece.
I prefer to ink traditionally because I have more control than I do digitally. Sometimes I use dip pens or brushes but I mostly use Microns or Fabers because I have the most control and speed with them.
After scanning my line work I do switch to working digitally because color is easier for me if I can experiment without worrying about the choice being permanent. so I digitally made value and color studies. Doing this makes it go faster when I color the final.
And then the final! I presented them side by side and then separately in critique. 
Dead Mailman

Dead Mailman


Creative Fields