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Oil Palm and Biodiversity

Oil Palm and Biodiversity
A situation analysis by the IUCN Oil Palm Task Force
"Palm oil is a highly controversial issue. Many conservation practitioners, scientists, and members of the public consider it one of the greatest threats to tropical biodiversity. Many others, especially palm oil producers, governments, and communities that grow the crop, rely upon this palm for its high yields and financial returns. Consequently, there are different viewpoints about the interaction between sustainable land use and oil palm cultivation."

Download the full report here

The Palm Oil Story based on an infographic by the European Palm Oil Alliance.

A Day in Your Life with Palm Oil, based on a design by Philadelphia Zoo.

The Palm Oil Supply Chain. Adapted from an infographic by RSPO.

Meijaard, E., Garcia-Ulloa, J., Sheil, D., Wich, S.A., Carlson, K.M., Juffe-Bignoli, D., and Brooks, T.M.

Creative direction, design & layout:
Nadine Zamira Syarief
Abiyasa Adiguna Legawa
Dwita Alfiani Prawesti

Thank you for the visit & please don't forget
to download the full report here
Oil Palm and Biodiversity

Oil Palm and Biodiversity
