Perfil de Nick Ellis

Vermintide 2 - Awareness & Performance

Fatshark - Awareness & Performance
Phase 1 - Awareness Campaign - 1 Month

To increase awareness in the US of Game Developer ‘Fatshark’s’ newest game release ‘Vermintide 2’ in anticipation of its release on March 8th.

What did we do?
We used video assets on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube to gain awareness and visibility for the new game release for Vermintide 2. The aim of this phase was to drive traffic to website and capture their data in order to retarget for the performance campaign using the integrated Facebook and Doubleclick pixels.

How did we do?
- Impressions: Gaining a total of 202,570 on Facebook, 571,158 on Instagram and 168,825 on Youtube
- Interaction: 1,724 interactions on Facebook, 8,910 interactions on Instagram and 53,377 video views on Youtube
- Website visitors: Overall link clicks = 2,805 (885 Facebook, 1,583 Instagram, 337 Youtube)

Phase 2 - Performance Campaign - 2 Months

To run a performance campaign on Facebook, Instagram and Doubleclick in the US that can optimise for conversions that are happening on an external website (Steam) - where we are unable install a pixel. To keep ROI positive despite not being able to set optimisation on the platforms to purchases.

What did we do?
We used video assets on Facebook, Instagram and Video/Banner assets to programmatically buy on Doubleclick.

- Tracked in-game fingerprints and used click-tracking to measure game purchases attributed to our campaigns that directed to the steam webpage.

- Optimised on Facebook/Instagram/Doubleclick for link clicks and then further optimise on Red Shell platform towards the adverts that were converting.

- Tested landing pages, creatives, copy, CTA buttons and audiences to optimise the campaign towards the best performing CPP by using tracking data.

- Used a variety of audience targeting including Retargeting, interest targeting and lookalike audiences.

How did we do?
- Impressions: 1,365,014 on Facebook, 143,300 on Insta, 1,476,133 on doubleclick
- Link Clicks: 1,519 on Insta, 20,792 on Facebook. 1,876 on doubleclick
- Game purchases: 937 on Facebook, 84 on Instagram, 62 on doubleclick
- CPP: £8 (Game price = £23.79) (CPP Including margin)
- ROAS - 1.58:1 (158%)

Vermintide 2 - Awareness & Performance

Vermintide 2 - Awareness & Performance
