Nayan Venus 的个人资料

365 Days of Miniature (April)

365 Days of Miniature art
( April)

These artworks are part of our 365 days of miniature series which we started on 1st January 2018. 
We choose BIRDS as our topic of art. 

Each bird is made by cutting it in different layers on paper and than painted with water colors and hand assembled to give a final 2.5 Dimensional look. Each artwork took from 4-6 hours to finish. We enjoyed each bird everyday and learned a lot about birds and their nature while making them.

So here is our birds from the fourth month of our series hope you enjoy it.

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Downy Woodpecker
Mallard Duck
King Penguin
Green Jay
Montezuma Oropendola
Northern Flicker Woodpecker
Knob Billed Duck
Northern Carmine Bee-eater
Orange headed Thrush
Albino Ruby throated Hummingbird
African Fish Eagle
Albino Eastern screech Owl
White Monjita
The Knobbed Hornbill
Roseate Spoonbill
Scissor tailed Flycatcher
The Red-legged Seriema
Pied Kingfisher
Black-browed reed Warbler
Summer Tanager
Strok-billed Kingfisher
Common Kestrel
Lilac breasted Roller
Barn Swallow
Indian Pitta
White bellied Drongo
Small Minivet
The Olive-backed Sunbird
Indian Grey Hornbill

Stay tuned

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365 Days of Miniature (April)


365 Days of Miniature (April)

This artworks are from the fourth month of 365 days of miniature series which we started on 1st January 2018. We choose birds as our topic of art 阅读更多内容
