Laurie-ann T's profile

Grade 11 Graphics

Grade 11 Graphics 
1. This is Sisler collage
2. Image adjustment project
3. The portrait/ selfie 
4. Camera settings activity
5. Photographic composition
6. Clone stamp tool
7. Magazine recreation
8. Multi Image Activity
9. Grid poster
10. Pop art project
1. This is Sisler collage 
This is my This is Sisler Collage. For this project I used Adobe Photoshop. The tools that I used for this project was the lasso and inverse tool and different eraser brushes to make it have a ripped effect. During this project I learned how to make the pictures look more ripped. I found this project easy because I have done a project similar to this before and I enjoyed it. 
2. Image adjustment project
This is my interior image adjustment for this I took a picture of a painting in the hallway at school and selected pieces of the image using the rectangular marquee tool, I then added different filters to them to create a cool effect. 
This is my exterior photo adjustment, I selected pieces of the picture and added more filters to the picture. To get to the filters you must go to filter options and select filter gallery and apply filters that you want. 
3. The portrait/ selfie 
( on Google Drive) 
4. Camera settings activity 
This is the pictures that I took while adjusting the shutter speed and aperture size.
These are the pictures that I took while adjusting the ISO, when the Iso got higher the pictures received more lighting an made them brighter. 
These are my ISO settings activities. The first activity is demonstrating that when you change the ISO you have to change the shutter speed to keep the same amount of light coming into the lens. The second activity is basically the same except we had to chose our own shutter speeds to equal out the lighting rather then having the shutter speeds given to us. 
Shutter speed
This is my shutter speed activity, when make the shutter speed faster you must make the ISO higher too to keep the light the same. The faster the shutter speed the less blurry the picture will most likely be.
5. Photographic composition
These are my photographic compositions, for this project we had make a good and bad example of each composition. Underneath each picture there is an explanation of how to do this type of composition rule properly. 
The main object has to be in the further right third, it usually should not be in the middle grid or the left side of the picture. 
For balancing element you are supposed to have an object on each side so that there is not an excessive amount of negative space. 
For leading lines you are supposed to have lines that go the same way, you aren't supposed to have lines that go an opposite way and stops the lines.
Symmetry is demonstrating a pattern, from moving the pumpkin bag in the second picture it is changing the pattern and not making it symmetrical.  
From changing where you take the picture you are changing the viewpoint and changing how the picture looks. 
For a good picture you need to make sure the background is clean and there are no unneeded things in the back.  
The depth is showing how far you can see in the picture. 
To frame a picture you need to be in a frame. 
For spacing you show negative space behind the picture, when you show no space it is just an up close picture of the object. 
For colour you need contrasting colours, you can't have lots of colours because it won't look as appealing if you put so you put only a few colour so that it is appealing. 

6. Clone stamp clone 
This is my simple clone stamp, I used the clone stamp tool and took away all of the words, until all that was left was the background image. 
This was my complex clone stamp activity, it was more hard because I had to replace clothing, zippers, hair and skin. My biggest struggle was doing the skin on this. For some reason I could not find the original on the computer and online anymore so sorry about that.  
7. Magazine recreation
This is my magazine recreation. For this project I chose a magazine cover and recreated the picture, I put it into black and white and then made my own captions with the same fonts as the original. 
8. Multi Image Activity 

This is my multi image activity, to do this I rasterized this, made a layer mask, and painted over myself.
9. Grid Poster 
This is my grid poster activity. For this activity I used Indesign, I made squares and added all blue and grey/silver pictures to my poster. 
10.Pop Art Project
For this project, I took a picture added threshold onto it twice to make it the way I wanted the details to look, I made another layer and changed it to the multiply and started colouring. I repeated this four times and then added it all together to make this picture. This was very challenging at first trying to figure out how to combine the threshold layers and deciding which colours went together.
Grade 11 Graphics

Grade 11 Graphics


Creative Fields