Visions of the World.
How imagination can help embody ideas
and materialize one's vision of the World.
1. Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights (detail)
Oil on paper (50 x 32,5)
The famous triptych by H. Bosch displays a vision of evil and shows which was the representation of Death and Hell in the Middle Ages in the common mind. Here I reproduced some details of this triptych, featuring two of the fantastic creatures that can be found on the left hand panel (which stands for the creation of the World).
2. Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights (detail)
Oil on paper (50 x 32,5)

As the previous one, this painting is a reproduction of a fantastic creature featured in the left hand panel of The Garden of Earthly Delights triptych by Dutch painter H. Bosch.
3. Self Defense
Oil on paper (50 x 32,5)
Inspired by The Garden of Earthly Delights, I depicted here my way what could have been a vision of today's World in the style of H. Bosch. This painting shows the natural evolution of a quiet animal whose natural defense organ - its shell - evolved towards over-defense, then inevitably turning to violence.
4. Home Sweet Home
Watercolor on paper (32,5 x 50)
As in previous painting, I showed here the evolution of the turtle following the evolution of its dream. This dream starts from simple housing until reaching something always bigger and more fastuous, without limits. Here it has come true, with a luxurious castle on the back. But dream is turning to nightmare as suffocation occurs by undergoing the weight of this profusion of kitsch. Comfort is evolving into over-comfort, itself turning to discomfort.
5. The Sky is the Limit
Ink on paper (32,5 x 50)
Following the idea of materialistic profusion and always bigger constructions, I extended this vision to cities following a vertical growth, with an always higher goal. Here is a depiction of the modern Babel with a mix of different architectural styles gathering in a standardized skyscraper philosophy.
6. Dreamworks
Collage (50 x 32,5)
This collage depicts a more sereine vision of how mankind follow the dreams. It is an allegory of the unconscious common dream leading us all in a same direction. I introduced the theme of cinema as a representation of most of our common dreams. Movement is from East to West, pointing as always to the Final Frontier...
7. Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Pencil on paper (32,5 x 50)
As a warning after previous image, here is a message reminding us of what could happen if we keep on following our material dreams without conscience.
8. Fragile

Pencil on paper (32,5 x 50)
In the same spirit as previous drawing, here is a vision of Earth as a product of the consumer society.
9. Vengeance
Ink on paper (32,5 x 50)
In this final drawing, the environmental message is the same as in the two previous ones, here showing the reaction of Nature. The violence of this reaction is graphically softened by the use of an Art Nouveau style inspired by the works of Alfons Mucha.
Visions of the World
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Visions of the World

Nine drawings showing an evolution of the vision of the World.

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