Consisting of Ether

Consisting of Ether is a light installation that uses phosphoresce and mirrors to create the illusion of infinity. 

Conceptually, it grapples with the understanding of knowledge that Art gives, and challenges viewers to investigate the oscillation between reality and perception, the phenomena and the noumena. 

This project seeks to create a sensory experience for the viewers that would overwhelm them as they see the infinity space that the mirrors create. However, when they begin to contemplate the sublime moment, the illusion immediately shatters, leaving the viewers with a cognitive inquiry about reality. It investigates the ethereal beauty that an object contains, not only in the form of it, but also in the conception. It is about bringing the audience through an event that engages not only their eyes but also their minds to create the wonder about knowledge that Art could give.

Materials: Phosphoresce, Mirror, UV florescent tubes, Wood

Figure 1: Exterior of Exhibit space
Exhibit space is light-proofed with black cloth. Project description is on the wall, and a sign which directs the viewers to the entrance of the exhibit space.
Figure 2: Photograph of Final Artwork
In the first few moments when the viewer enter the exhibit space, it would seem as if the room is completely dark, but as his pupils dilate, he experiences the uncanny sensation of seeing the balls of light appearing from pitch darkness. The final image the viewer observes would be like the one in Figure 2.
Figure 3: Close up photograph of Final Artwork
Consisting of Ether
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Consisting of Ether

Light Installation using glow in the dark paint and mirrors.

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