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SPCA Dog Walk Fundraiser

The Montreal SPCA wanted to rebrand their annual dog walk fundraiser with the goal of creating excitement in order to increase participation within the community. 

It was important to communicate the message that this was a fun, family-friendly event where people could bring their dogs and enjoy the company of those who wanted to help the local SPCA.  

Dynamic graphics, cute dog illustrations and icons were paired with black and white photos creating a brand look that had universal appeal to its broad audience. 

Many names were considered but "Snout & About", was the favorite, offering a light, fun tone to the event. The message, "Hit the Pavement, Stop Animal Cruelty"  was meant to remind event-goers of the important, purposeful call-to-action behind the event.
SPCA Dog Walk Fundraiser

SPCA Dog Walk Fundraiser

Montreal SPCA dog walk fundraising event.
