The Meanwhile 
This is a project I worked on as part of my second year of university. creating a brand and identity for a community centre opening up in salford. Run by the same people who are part of coffee for Craig charity, the centre is intended to be multipurpose and provide many different resources to help the people that need it most.   
The first thing I did to start creating a brand identity was to make a logo I chose to have the logo in the shape of a speech bubble as a way of representing the meanwhile as a 'conversation' just one friendly conversation if the first step in getting the help they need. 
A logo can say a lot about a business it is usually one of the first things that people come across make initial judgements from therefore it is important that this is all taken in to consideration throughout the design process. 
The large type in the chunky font with rounded edges has a friendly welcoming feel to it and it suitable for people of all ages as the meanwhile offerers services to everyone from children to the elderly members of the community with the more formal type used for the tagline to add an element of professionalism to the logo this is so that people will feel like they are in safe hands with people that will be able to help.
There are 3 main focuses that the meanwhile has community, a food bank and volunteering to make the branding clear and simple each of the 3 sections has been given its own colour. Orange for community, red for the food bank and green for volunteering.
The idea behind this would be so that each of these colours can be applied to anything within the meanwhile and this will instantly associate it with that specific area from posters and leaflets to t-shirts for workers that are associated with that specific area. This makes it as easy as possible for people to find the help they need the most. 
The Meanwhile

The Meanwhile
