Contour Curve landscape. Isocurves generated from procedural terrain vertex weights using Tissue add-on for Blender.
Isocurves generated from reaction diffusion mesh vertex weights. Cutouts with vertex masking through Tissue add-on for Blender.
Isocurves generated from varying parameters on vertex weights. Tissue add-on for Blender.
Dual mesh edited with Tissue add-on for Blender.
Mesh modified with custom Houdini sandstone erosion script. Rendered in Blender Cycles.
Softbody and composition exploration. Created, rendered, and composited in Blender.
Abstract organic and hard surface modeling practice. Created, rendered, and composited in Blender.
Disorder grown on an orderly substrate. Diffusion limited aggregation on regular geodesics. Houdini, Blender, Photoshop.
Diffusion limited aggregation on a ring. Houdini, Blender, Photoshop.
Spherical curl noise flow. Houdini, Blender, Photoshop.
Reaction diffusion mistake turned into archviz. Houdini, Blender, Photoshop.
Mesh reaction diffusion growth over time. Created with Houdini, rendered and composited with Blender. Photoshop.
Houdini custom sandstone erosion script test array. Houdini, Blender, Photoshop.
Different parameters for growth algorithms in Houdini, rendered in Blender. Photoshop.
Dual mesh exploration with Tissue add-on for Blender. Blender, Photoshop.
Misc Renders and Projects

Misc Renders and Projects
