Vertigo is a VR/AR demonstrations me and some university friends made for Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro (FCCVA). It was showcased during the 2017 edition of TechDays in Aveiro and in students @deti, earlier that same year.
With the Oculus Rift DK2, Microsoft Kinnect and a wooden board we allowed the player to walk across a cliff.
The main goal was to make a fun experience that joined the AR potential of Kinect with the VR capacities of the Oculus. For the visuals we made do with what we could find for free and with what our 3d modelling skills allowed since our budget was 0.00€ (the Oculus was provided by the FCCVA and the Kinnect by the university). 
Though the intradisciplinary background of the team shows in the visuals, the response from the people that tried out the Demo (Both in a testing day at the FCCVA, Students @deti, and TechDays) was very positive.

- The version showed in the video is not the final version presented at TechDays, inbetween we made some visual upgrades and bugfixes.
- The board we used was a bit old and was slightly bent, however this was one of details that got more praise from the users/players, since the shaking of the board significantly improved their immersion.
- Vertigo belongs to the FCCVA, I'm just one of the friends who made it. 
Video made at the lab showcasing the demo:
Video at the FCCVA during testing with visitors:


AR/VR University project.
