Profil von Craig Taylor

Office Art (Maps, maps and more maps!)

Ito World moved into their new Cambridge office this year and I was tasked to get creative with some of the internal wall space. I decided to create 4 huge 3d wall-maps of various cities we work with; Cambridge, London, Chicago and New York. Not only were these the largest modelled cities I have ever produced but my first digital- to-print maps to be put mounted on walls! The models were extremely detailed but simplistic in nature, I wanted the colour ways to be subtle and muted and the lighting soft. Vegetation, buildings, roads, parks and waterways comprised each map, sourced from either OpenStreetMap of in the case of the UK Maps - Ordnance Survey. 

Modelled in Cinema4d using DEM Earth the models were easy to construct, however access to detailed vegetation was often tricky and involved a lot of manual placement.

The end results were lovely and looked just as good printed, although my pictures below of the office aren't too sharp.   
Cambridge, UK
Chicago, USA
London, UK
New York City, USA
London Inset
NYC Inset
NYC Inset
As well as the huge wall maps I also pulled together a selection of lovely stills from some of our more recent projects, these were to be mounted on 1x1 square foam boards for our kitchen wall.
NYC Taxi Trips
Some more stills from projects
Ito World merch! Custom designed mugs... Guess the mapping...
We do an awful lot of work with OpenSteetMap so we also wanted a super high res image of OSM coverage throughout the world. This looks wicked mounted!
Below is an example of the 3d maps mounted on the walls, super pleased with the results.
A little out of my comfort zone with this next one, i.e no maps! I also needed to design frosting for the glass conference room, this was tricky for me as vector art isn;t my strong suite. I went with a simple cross section of a city showing an evolution of transport modes which ties in nicely with the nature of our work. I was actually pretty pleased with the end result... 
Office Art (Maps, maps and more maps!)


Office Art (Maps, maps and more maps!)
