I miss those summer sunsets, where we sat and just watched. There was no talking, just enjoying. The sun went down and the moon went up. Every day the same. It almost seemed like a routine. But one day there was no more us, just me. I still went and looked at the sunset. This time, there was no talking and no enjoying. There was a gap inside me, and I knew what it was, you.
The moon was like a black hole, it was eating the sun.
I ran and ran, I could not control myself, my legs were moving and taking me to somewhere. I recongnised where I was. I was standing, looking at his front-door house. I blinked and I was standing in his porch. I blinked again, and was touching his door-bell. There was no need to blink to have him there.
He was hotter than before, his eyes were shining and his red lips were calling mine. I jumped into his arms and our lips met. We kissed and kissed. We stared for a long time and said: "Forever Together".


Photos and a Short story
