Dazzle : Desk Lamp
Dazzle is a touch sensing, battery operated desk lamp critically designed for an office or home environment.
A desk lamp is an essential accessory at one's work table, while designing the lamp, space occupancy, function, usability and existing technology were kept in mind.
A brainstorming session with peers helped in highlighting the issues related to a desk lamp.
The design process started with idea generation through sketches, various forms and functions were explored. Combination of various characters of several ideas lead to the final concept.
The image board was inspired from soft and subtle colors, so that the lamp can merge into any background without being a dominating element.
An adjustable neck of the lamp allows the user change the area and distance of light on the table. The main body of the lamp is pivoted to a metal stand through a folded metal strip.
Dazzle is user friendly as well as aesthetically pleasing, it can be an important accessory at your table. Since it is light weight and wireless, it can be easily transported from one place to another with less chances of breakage.
Dazzle - Task Lamp

Dazzle - Task Lamp

A daily use Desk/ Table Lamp, Functional and Aesthetic to add to the beauty of your workspace.
