Grade 10 Graphics

Table of Contents

1. Abstract Art
2. Cartoon House Attempt 1
3. Typography
4. Adobe Illustrator Pathfinder 
5. Winnipeg Jets Pen Tool 
6. Simple Cartoon Pen Tool 
7. Complex Cartoon Pen Tool 
8. T-Shirt Mockup
9. Cartoon House Attempt 2
10. Game On 
11. Christmas Concert Posters
12. Hard Surface Vinyl Design
13. Logo Design

1. Abstract Art
This was a quick little project that gave us the opportunity to show different shades of one specific colour in a creative way. We select one shape and make a variety of sizes and length of the shape and moderatly changing the shade. I decided to just use the basic rectangle tool. I also chose a darker blue so it would go with the theme of my page, and I think it goes with it and my thumbnail very well. I learned how to show different colours by changing the opacity of a chosen shape, and how to properly use guide lines on Adobe Illustrator. 
2. Cartoon House Attempt 1
This was a complex and frustrating project, but it was fun to work on. It was a good test to see what we are capable of doing so far on Illustrator, even though it has many little errors. We learned many different ways of how to change our shapes and colour with different layers to try and copy the Simpson house. I had a good level of difficulty doing the front layers of the colouring, especially the grass and the driveway. Since I did the driveway with the pencil tool, it left a lot of room to make a colouring mistake, which I did. I also did mess up on some of the shapes because it would still miss some space and I'd have to go back and fix it. Otherwise I think I did a pretty good job.
3. Typography
This Typography gives me a lot of ideas for my own. I really like how the creator took a very beautiful place and showed their typography skills in an interesting way. This inspires me to step outside of the box and create a cool design within a design. I love how the "A" is made to look like the Eiffel Tower, and is made out of typography. This typography stands out from the other ones I see, it isn't crazy or anything but I am going to try and make something like this, and I will also try to take it to another level and make it more interesting. 
For my own typography, I decided I wanted to make more than just a basic "fill in the image", so I tried to make something more. I created the leaning tower of Pisa out of a bunch of different words to do with graphics, and I also wanted to go deeper, so I made the Pisa Tower look like the letter I to Italy. Since I wanted to do something more difficult, it lead to more difficulty in finding enough words, and making it all fit and actually look like the Leaning Tower Of Pisa. This was definitely not the most fun project, it was a lot of repetition and eventually got boring, but I do like the final product, it is interesting and I used a lot of creativity. For my "graphics design is" I also wanted to do something a little more unique. I made the words match the colour of the flag in the background and I think it gives it a cooler look.
4. Adobe Illustrator Pathfinder Assignment
This was a very quick and easy assignment, which took me about 20 minutes to finish, but it was fun. We used to pathfinder tool do do things like combine and change shapes to make them take the form of something else. We had to copy the 5 objects above exactly. The most difficult out of the bunch was the key, just because it took longer than the others and it needed more precision.
5. Winnipeg Jets Pen Tool Assignment
This Winnipeg Jets logo was a quick way to test our skills with the pen tool. I thought it was actually pretty easy and as I went on creating it, it looked more and more like the actual logo. The most difficult part of this was making the different colours of red on the maple leaf. It needed precision to look natural because without good details it would look messy. 
6. Simple Cartoon Pen Tool Assignment
                     Original Copy                                                              My Copy
This was an interesting project and the thing I had the most difficult on was choosing the picture I wanted to recreate. I chose Charlie Brown because he is a very know figure and generally pretty simple. Our goal was to take a low quality cartoon character and recreate it to look better in quality. I chose to do Charlie Brown because he is an iconic character and to remake him it would be really fun. Clearly, my version of him looks more clean than the original image, so it was a success. The image on the left is the one I copied, the one on the right is my remade version.
7. Complex Cartoon Pen Tool Assignment
              Original Copy                                                         My Copy
This project was frustrating to complete. It wasn't all that difficult but it was easy to mess up and to make it look perfect took awhile. I left out some details like in the cape shading because I wasn't sure how to properly shade using the pen tool, especially with the different colour variations in the cape. The most fun thing to do was the whole body in general. I really liked adding on and on to it. because I kept seeing change and I was impressed with myself. I am proud of my final product and think that it came out great.​​​
8. T-Shirt Mockup
This project gives us the opportunity to really put our creativity to the test. My design doesn't have much to it, and I feel like simplicity is key. I used a unique Idea of mine where I put the word sellout on my shirt, and on the back I write the names of my social medias, so I'm a "sellout". My sketch is very poorly drawn but it does show how my real design is going to look. I don't think I'm going to add much to it besides making it more clean. If I do add something it will be small and not very noticeable. I think that my final product is going to come out nice and I'm excited to see how it looks.
This is how my design would look like on a shirt, and I am happy with the result. I didn't want my "sellout" design to look too basic, so I tried doing a weird type of calligraphy for the front. On the sleeve I kept my basic original design. On the back I put the names of my Instagram and snapchat so people know where to find me. I do like my shirt and I feel like it is going to get some laughs. I had some difficulty with trying to make my design look cool and more creative, because everything I tried was just too much and it made it look worse. I am proud with what I decided to put on my shirt and think it will look good.
9. Cartoon House Attempt 2
In this project, we were to recreate our first attempt of the Simpsons house. Easily by looking at both of them I can tell I've gotten a lot better at using illustrator and my Mose recent cartoon house looks way better. The difference maker between the two is pen tool. In my first attempt I didn't know how to use it, then later I learned for my second attempt and it made it way easier to recreate things. I did still use the pencil tool for some things like the clouds and trees, but mostly everything was pen tool. I also learned how to layer things better, like the door, fence and windows, (with making things look at an angle). ​​​​​​​
10. Game On Project
                            Inspiration                                                              My design 
Our goal in this project was to create a retro 80's style design to put on a T-Shirt for the upcoming competition "Game On". This project took me awhile to create and actually get something I like. I went through about 10 different designs that I didn't like, or that were too basic. I wanted mine to stand out, so I made a colourful design inside of a circle. I like how my words fit inside the circle and how there are different types of colour combinations that look retro. I do think I could've improved it if I spend more time on it but I need to move on to my next project.
11. Christmas Concert Posters
In this project we were assigned to create posters for the upcoming concerts this Christmas. We had to make 3 posters, one for "Feliz Navidance", one for "Fa la la la la la la la la", and one for "Yay it's Scene time". I did a lot of testing to see what I wanted to do for Fa la la la la la la la la, and I finally did something unique and it doesn't look like garbage. I am proud of every poster I made and think my Feliz Navidance poster is really good. I enjoyed using my creativity to design my own unique poster and I was basically able to do whatever I want involving Christmas, and enjoyed this project in general. It wasn't very difficult, this was one of the more relaxing projects where we have free range of expressing our ideas.
12. Hard Surface Vinyl Design
In this project, we had to design our own logo, and make it as a hard surface vinyl. Since I decided I wanted my logo on my phone, I know I wanted my logo to have something to do with my name. I took the letter 'J' from my name, and I looked at some inspiration to try and make it look cool. I saw this interesting font, and I did my own version of it, then I copied my design, mirrored it, and pout it on the other side. I like my design and things it looks really good on a phone case.
13. Logo Design
In this project, we had to make a logo based off of a company that we create. It was very easy for me to come up with the name of my company. I just thought of the first thing that came to my mind, which was water, and a word that begins with the same letter and flows well (bad um tsss). Obviously my company is a water industry, named "Water Works Industries". You can take the name in any way you want, water works as in someone crying, or water literally works My logo is 2 W's with a water droplet in the middle. We First had to draw 3 illustrations of ideas we came up for our company. Then we would take our favourite out of the three and make that one look better with another 3 sketches. Then we had to make a final copy of which we wanted to do on illustrator, but first draw it and colour it as we want it to look. Finally we made it on illustrator and touched it up, making different mock ups for our logo.
Grade 10 Graphics

Grade 10 Graphics


Creative Fields