IKKO TAMAGO's profile

标签×地域 / Label×Region

People's prejudices of a region and people because of stereotypes; full of regional discrimination in the contemporary society, the stereotype of extraction of woodcut prints for the concept, will shape elements as the basis, to explore experimental stereotyped font. The arrangement of the font with the sharp tag language shows the discomfort of the picture, which leads to the rethinking of the discrimination. The cover seems blank, but prejudice has left its mark; books that could have been completely opened were not fully opened after being sewn online, as stereotypes made it impossible for people to see the nature and bias. Through the design of reading behavior, try to embody the concept and convey the content of the text.
标签×地域 / Label×Region

标签×地域 / Label×Region

人们对某个地区及人的偏见,形成于对其的刻板印象;地域歧视充斥在当代社会中,由刻板印象提取木刻版画为概念,将其特有的元素作为字形的基础,进行刻板字体的探究。用刻板的字体同尖锐的标签语言进行编排,呈现出的画面令人产生不适感,从而引发人们对地域歧视的重新思考。封面看似空白偏见却已留下痕迹;本可 Read More
