YCN set a competition brief to restore 'Winston Churchill' to his rightful place as the most famous Churchill. The ambition for this brief is 'to make Winston Churchill famous among 11-18 year olds.'
As part of the brief I developed a concept brand targeted at a more specific age range of 15-18 year old boys, the brand would be a franchise brand expanding from the 'Jack Wills' clothing range which reflects key essential traits of Winstons character and styling.
The finished designs are concept posters which express Winston's motivational attitude the idea being when you wear the brand of clothing you 'feel like Winston' - Respected, strong willed, a gentleman, Bristish. The brand has its own identity through the name of Winston with the use of alternate quote lock-ups to express his diversity of war speeches. The designs reflect the era of Winston but with a modern twist that would be seen as a 'cool by association' brand among the target audience and their peers. 


A concept brand targeted at 15-18 year old boys, the brand would be a franchise brand expanding from the 'Jack Wills' clothing range which reflec Se mer
