Guidelines development from inception to completion. Driving the concept creation in collaboration with an external agency. Follow up of the Technicals drawings with a supplier and development of a prototype.
France Boulogne Nocibé
Project follow up, from agreed proposal between the export department and the agent to the installation in store
China Shangaï Hongzou Plaza
Project follow up, from agreed proposal between the export department and the agent to the installation in store
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sogo
Project follow up, from agreed proposal between the export department and the agent to the installation in store
China Pekin Hanguang 
Project follow up, from agreed proposal between the export department and the agent to the installation in store
Free Access Generic Tools : Shelf sign & generic Shelf tester
Project follow up, from the creation to the manufacturing with different suppliers
Free Access Generic Tools : Ajustable Shelf Deco Kit 
Project follow up, from the creation to the manufacturing with supplier

