Profil użytkownika „Carol Vieira”

Turtling - Tartarugando

"This book is one of the results of the actions carried out by the Environmental Education and Awareness Programme integrated into the Kitabanga Project. By sharing information, knowledge and experiences that hopefully will lead to protection and preservation behaviours towards marine turtles and their habitats, this programme aims at educating both the population and the beach users and raising their awareness about environmental issues.
The seven stories included in this book were adapted from tales written by children from Cabaril and Parede in Palmeirinhas, and Hogiua in Longa. They were selected through a story and drawing competition which took place in those schools in 2011. The stories express the ideas and knowledge of those children in what concerns the sea and the sea turtles.
“Turtling” is associated with the stories and fantasies of those children who are fortunate to deal with marine turtles and also continuously exposed to the efforts of the Kitabanga Project team made to protect these sensitive and threatened animals."

Carol Vieira Lovera

Carol Vieira Lovera
Cover illustrated by Fernando HUGO Fernandes
Layout: Carol Vieira Lovera | Illustrations: Carol Vieira Lovera and Fernando HUGO Fernandes
Layout: Carol Vieira Lovera | Illustrations: Carol Vieira Lovera
Layout: Carol Vieira Lovera | Illustrations: Carol Vieira Lovera
Layout: Carol Vieira Lovera | Illustrations: Carol Vieira Lovera
Layout: Carol Vieira Lovera | Illustrations: Carol Vieira Lovera
Layout: Carol Vieira Lovera | Illustrations: Carol Vieira Lovera
Layout: Carol Vieira Lovera | Illustrations: Carol Vieira Lovera
Layout: Carol Vieira Lovera | Illustrations: Carol Vieira Lovera
Layout: Carol Vieira Lovera | Illustrations: Fernando HUGO Fernandes
Layout: Carol Vieira Lovera | Illustrations: Carol Vieira Lovera
Turtling - Tartarugando

Turtling - Tartarugando

This book is one of the results of the actions carried out by the Environmental Education and Awareness Programme integrated into the Kitabanga P Rozwiń
