Funk Unplugged - Game Director​​​​​​​
Key Responsibilities:
- Level Design
- 3D Art/Animations 
- C# Programming
- Boss Design
Funk Unplugged was released in May of 2018 for PC on Steam, with additional platforms in progress. I was the main developer on Funk Unplugged, creating most of the levels (and worked collaboratively on the few others), created 3D art, and assisted with scripting. 

While making levels in Funk Unplugged, I tried to balance the straight-forward action-platformer gameplay that is central to the game with collectible-based exploration. A few levels in the game were designed to be more open-ended, further encouraging exploration, and providing a mix-up to the traditional linear levels.
In addition to this, I also designed the game's Boss Encounters. One boss was a collaborative effort, while I designed and created the game's other 5 boss fights.
In addition to this, I also assisted with the games programming and systems, including the creation the game's menus, the NPC interaction system, and events.
Funk Unplugged

Funk Unplugged

A short summary and showcase of my work on my first game, Funk Unplugged.
