University Brief, set by Golden -
Create an advertising concept for the launch of the Nike Free shoe, a very lightweight shoe that gives the wearer a 'barefoot' running experience. 

Running is not merely a sport / pastime associated with the last few hundred years. Ancient man needed to run. Catching and killing animals for food, escaping attacks and getting a physical edge in a world of survival of the fittest all gave him plenty of reasons to run. There were no fancy trainers to run with, just man and his naked foot on the sprawling, vast wilderness beneath him. However, rather than acting as a hindrence, the barefoot experience gave him stronger feet, increased speed and flexibility unrivalled by any shoe ...

... That is, until now ...

The Nike Free offers the closest barefoot experience money can buy. It allows your foot to be flexible and completely unrestricted. The wilderness has been replaced by incredible urban landscapes. Man now runs in the Urban Jungle, where surfaces suddenly change from concrete to gravel, from gravel to grass, and from grass to mud. Its important for the foot to feel free and adapt to any surface it might encounter.
Its time to get back to your roots, choose a barefoot experience, and choose the Nike Free.
For the Urban Jungle.
Iconic Image
The Nike Free - Flexible Shoe
Original Photo Shoot
Outdoor / Store Application
Indoor / Store Application
Nike Free

Nike Free

Advertising concept for the launch of the Nike Free Shoe. University Brief set by the Golden Agency, Leeds.
