Total Recall
The brief asked to quite simply respond to the word 'Watch' the focus and direction was entirely my doing and the basic aim was to define a series of visual and conceptual areas to explore as part of a final body
of work.
The concept I developed to revolve around the word 'Watch' was the notion of memory more specifically ‘Eidetic memory’ a type of 'exceptional memory' also know as ‘Total recall’ which basically relates to being able to recall extraordinary detailed and vivid visual images of ones past. As part of my final outcome I experimented with this theory of total recall on one individual named Carl to which I wanted to explore the level of his recall memory based on two objects, one of significance in this case Carl’s trainer and one object of insignificance so an everyday object such as his washing machine. 
I documented the experiment within a series of flicker books and a documentary zine. The flickerbooks contain 15 individual drawings which have been drawn by Carl over a 17 hour period in which he recalled each drawing completely from memory. The idea for the flipbook was to show the progression of change through the series of drawings, I inserted tracing paper slips between each drawing to also show the gradual progression of time throughout the experiement and also the notion of Carl having to 'Recall' his memory of that object. The zine documents the entire experiment allowing for the reader to understand the process and how the experiment was conducted alongside being an experiment for the reader to take part in themselves. 
Total Recall

Total Recall

An experimental documentation on one individual's ability to ‘Totally recall' their washing machine and trainer completely from memory through a Lue lisää
