My Great Challenge
Over the summer I had to record my daily activities over a period of time collecting and measuring this information into quantifiable statistics which was then to be presented as a visual narrative through the layout of an info graphic.

For my daily recordings I chose to focus my data collecting on the time I spent training for ‘The Great North run’, which was to be my first half marathon I thought it’d be really interesting to focus it to more my training as I could collect some really nice statistics based on how much I put into this lifetime achievement. As a final piece I produced a compact ‘zine’ type guide of my journey shown through a series of photographs leading up to the race presented along side statistics of my training. The idea of this was to show what I had to put myself through behind the scenes of it all to get where I was in that photograph its almost showing how much work 
I had to do to get to that day showing a very personal journey I went on for the past month leading up 
to the run. 
My Great Challenge

My Great Challenge

An info-graphic guide showcasing a months worth of my training statistics for the build up to my Great North Run half marathon.

