#travel #photography #architecture #streetlife
Rome - the eternal city, the Roman empire, the capital of Italy, the hub of ancient ruined architecture and the heart of Roman Catholic churches.

All roads lead to Rome.
Veni Vidi Vici. 
The Grand Amphitheater - The Colosseum.
The curves of the ruined Colosseum.
The Grand Amphitheater - The Colosseum.
The sun shines through the ruined Colosseum.
The ruined interior of the Colosseum.
The Grand Amphitheater - The Colosseum.
A beautiful hallway in Rome.
Doria Pamphilj Gallery.
Doria Pamphilj Gallery.
Rome's vibrant street.
The Baroque facade of Sant'Agnese in Agone.
Palazzo della Civilta Italiana.
The interior of the Pantheon.
The Oculus - The Eye.
The Pantheon - Temple of all gods.
Rome's look up moment.
Trevi Fountain.
Rome's vibrant street.
Rome's vibrant streets.
Bank of Italy.
Victor Emmanuel II Monument.
The ruined Roman Forum.
The ruined Roman Forum.
The Spanish Steps.
Rome's vibrant streets.
On the main street to Vatican City.
St. Peter's square, Vatican City.
St. Peter's basilica.
The magnificent interior of St. Peter's basilica.
The sun sets through the colonnades in St. Peter's square, Vatican City.
Vatican Museum.
Vatican City at dusk.
Congress Palace.
A Baroque church in Rome.
A gorgeous octagonal dome.
Roman Aquarium.
Good night Rome!
Rome, Italy.

Rome, Italy.

Rome - The Eternal City.
