Jamie Myers 的個人檔案

How to Create a Storyboards

How to Create a Storyboards

For this project, I created storyboards for an instructional video project as a means of planning and communicating the compositions of your shots, as well as the concepts, content, and the sequencing of information to others prior to beginning the actual video production process. I created a rough cut of my video based on the storyboards and improved on it adding music and automating the sound in the final version. And finally completed final stages of the production process in creating a high quality instructional video. Watching this asset will teach the the students how to explain their vision using simple storyboard techniques. The audience includes amateur directors at any age.
In the final version of this video, I inserted examples of the content I was referring in order to keep the video more engaging. I also redid all the audio for the video. Somehow my original audio had an echo I could not get rid of. So I deleted it and started again with the raw snowball audio. With this version I also added the animation and audio needed to complete the story. This is also the first time I used Garageband for this type of project. I learned that the video really needs to be completely done before adjusting the audio. When I added the animation, it changed the timing of the video. After laying it back into garage band, I needed to automate the audio track all over again. 
Below are my storyboards. I could not yet get the lights I wanted to use so, that is not represented in the images. I used a Canon digital camera to shoot the stills and Pages to create the storyboards.
I shot the first version originally in the location I chose for the storyboards. While editing it, I realized that I did not like the location and it was very boring to look at. I reshot everything instead in a different location. I used a Canon digital camera to shoot the footage. The narration was recorded with a blue snowball mic with a frequency response of 40Hz to 18kHz with a pop filter and bluetooth Pioneer over the ear headset with frequency response 9 Hz ~ 22 000 Hz. 
In my second version I switched the first shot to another in which I spoke slower, zoomed into the thought bubble shot to create a better frame, switched the second closeup shot on the paper to one in which my hand was not covering most of the frame. In Garageband, I replaced all camera audio with the snowball audio and  automated, equalized and compressed the audio.
How to Create a Storyboards

How to Create a Storyboards

