Daniel Sisk 的個人檔案

Sierra Cruise Line Website

Sierra Cruise Lines offers tours of the national and state parks of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. These tours are luxurious with pre-arranged stays at charming cabin’s and reservations at amazing restaurants.

They provide both individualized group tours and pre-scheduled tours.
Quick Sketched Wireframe Ideas
Refined Wireframes
I was thinking of using a background video telling the story of what a cruise would be like. However I changed my mind because of how new I am to video editing and the limitations of what royalty free footage I could find. I have learned that I need to practice using After Effects and the need of a good camera so I can take the footage I will need to complete such products.
Design System
Final Mockup
Refining the Design
Improving the Nav Bar
After designing the final mock-up I noticed that the logo was getting lost in the background. I also thought the menu hamburger and social-media icons were too large. This lead to a redesign while coding. 

I have learned not to jump into coding too quickly. I think this is important because when working with clients I wouldn't want to approve a mock-up only to have me change the design while coding. In the future the final mock-up will be the final design.
Coding Challenges 
The review section was quite a challenge. I wanted it to show two reviews on larger devices and one review on smaller devices. I also wanted the two reviews to be centered on the page. I tried using a number of plug-ins but could not get the right results. This lead me to sitting down one day and righting all of the css and javascript needed to get my desired effects. I will be looking into plug-ins more to get a better understanding of what is out there so that I can build a great site.
Finished Product
Thank you for reading about my project.

Please leave feedback I would like to get better and I need to know how I failed so I can improve.
Sierra Cruise Line Website

Sierra Cruise Line Website

This is a website design and build for the landing page of a company that offers tours of the Sierra Nevada mountain range.
