Space Dog Odyssey: The Series
Direction | Design | Artwork

Space Dog Odyssey is a series of four fictional documentaries written as performance scripts unfolding fabulating, contrafactual narratives about decisive moments in history told from the perspective of canine companions. The scripts have been performed separately at institutions and venues like Grimm Museum, Berlin; Gallery Tif Sigfrids, Los Angeles; Inkonst, Malmö and Backyard Gallery, Copenhagen. Space Dog Odyssey: The Series is a co-publication between the Berlin-based publishing house Broken Dimanche Press, and the Copenhagen-based curatorial platform Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology. 

Written and performed by Honey Biba Beckerlee and Mathias Kryger.
Space Dog Odyssey

Space Dog Odyssey

Space Dog Odyssey is a series of four fictive documentaries written as performances unfolding fabulating, contrafactual stories about decisive mo 阅读更多内容
