Kelly Colglaziers profil

WIP - Seattle Public Library App (class project)

Seattle Public Library Mobile App Redesign Work-In-Progress (class project)

As part of the UI/Visual Design for Mobile Apps class at School of Visual Concepts, I was tasked with redesigning the Seattle Public Library mobile app.
Mood Boards
Our first task was to create three mood boards. My ultimate direction is focused on making the app feel friendly and approachable. I chose a bright color palette to make the app engaging and to appeal to a younger audience. 
Once I had decided on a mood board direction, I created three proto-personas based on research reports on library website and app users. According to Pew Research, 77 percent of people who reported using a public library website or app are under 49. 41 percent of those respondents are under 29. Based on these findings, I focused my personas on younger users.
I created a sitemap of both SPL's current website as well as a revised map. The current library app is very confusing and includes resources that are not commonly used on mobile. It uses jargon that is unfamiliar to the average reader. After creating a card sort of the app content, I created a simplified sitemap that includes only those functions that users are likely to complete via a mobile app. Pew Research found that the most commonly completed function are checking out or placing holds on books/ebooks, renewing books, and finding links to online databases. 
Style Tile
After finishing the initial research and wireframes, I created a style tile. I chose a single, easy-to-read typeface. My color palette includes an updated, less corporate blue as well as complementary accent colors.
Work-In-Progress Designs
Using Sketch, I am working on a visual design system library, as well as screens showing how the elements will come together. 
SPL mobile app via InVision
WIP - Seattle Public Library App (class project)

WIP - Seattle Public Library App (class project)
