Polotno Pro's profileOleksandr Zakopaiko's profile

S P A C E & L I G H T

S P A C E & L I G H T

Project of an apartment house.
Conceptual design and 3D visualization.

Проект загородного дома. 
Создание концептуального проекта и 3D визуализация.

Architect: O. Zakopaiko
Visualization: O. Zakopaiko

Light-filled interior
Наполненный светом интерьер

All you need is TESLA 
The project was really interesting.
Visualization allowed to show all the beauty of architecture.
S P A C E & L I G H T

Project Made For

S P A C E & L I G H T

S P A C E & L I G H T Project of an apartment house. Conceptual design and 3D visualization.
