Thomas Charier 的個人檔案

grandbrothers — ezra was right

ezra was right

Grandbrothers is the nickname behind which two young German musicians ~ Erol SARP and Lukas VOGEL ~ operate. The strange title Ezra Was Right requires attention. This melodious piano composition, with its progressive tempo, plays on feelings. At first listen, these feelings are very ambiguous.

Current music videos rely mainly on figuration. Sit back, breath deep, and drift away.

Art direction & animation: Thomas CHARIER.
Soundtrack: Grandbrothers - taken from debut album 'Dilation'.

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~ 2018


A note is spreading on the surface of the water.

The name of the duo and the title appear diegetically with the spread of notes on the piano.

The rain begins to fall gradually revealing the maritime scenery and its different aspects.
The rain is waking up the ocean.
A bell falls into the abyss until it hits the ground.
The impact produces a shock wave on the surface and enchants the waves.

Water holes are formed and gradually bring back various debris from a shipwreck.
A boat wreck, made of wood, is rebuilt by a succession of notes on the piano.
The various elements of the boat, floats, anchor, rope, steering wheel, and wooden planks, come alive with a magical process.

The boat is rebuilt.


The film cutout presented itself as the crucial stage of the project.
This storyboard consists of a hundred shots.

technical breakdown

This project mixes traditional animation with 3D imaging techniques. The use of 3D scenes allows to play and superimpose 2D animations in space. High details like reflections, foam, and bubbles are done after 3D rendering.

My workflow solution consist to create 3D scenes, then place custom 2D ripple animations on water with camera projections. When all of them are timed with the song and composed in space I render each ripple from their respective camera.

I rework them to create collisions with the environment and themself.
Finally I replace the new hand animated waves in the 3D space and make a final render from my scene camera.

The main concept of Ezra was right is to reduce a graphic style to its purest and simplest form, while keeping the viewer's attention. Forcing him to interpret negative spaces and break them with several graphical ruptures.

thanks for​​​​​​​
Project inquiries:

grandbrothers — ezra was right

grandbrothers — ezra was right

Music video created for german duo Grandbrothers - Erol Sarp and Lukas Vogel - based in Düsseldorf.
