Profil appartenant à Stefano Pellegrini

Jack Ryan movie poster

This "Jack Ryan" poster, was made for the 2018 Talenthouse Contest.
I choose for it the title "From desk to war-zone". I focused on the image and the feelings that the trailer showed, and on the two Jack Ryan’s personalities: on one side the "smart analyst" on the other the "unexpected hero". For the colors I choose the official cromatic palette gived by Amazon prime. I choose to use rhe more cold cyano fr for the "nerd" personality, and the more warm colors fro the "hero".
Below you can see some close up and some steps of the photomontage.









Confrontation between the original shoot, and the final retouced image.

See more of my works at my website:
Jack Ryan movie poster
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Jack Ryan movie poster

This "Jack Ryan" poster, was made for the 2018 Talenthouse Contest. I choose for it the title "From desk to war-zone". I focused on the image and Lire la suite

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