A selection of illustration that I did during my work-experience with Julie van Zessen and Evalien Lang
An illustration for an article about physical discomforts that women suffer from. It shows the main problems and how to deal with them.
An illustration for an article about neighbors and the secrets they hide.
The follow-up illustration to the neighbor one.
Illustration for an article about battling brands.
Papercut rebus
"think less design more" and "denk meer design minder"
Illustration for an article about New York women and their search for a perfect man. The man they're looking for can't be found as they want too many things.
Illustration for an article about sleeping at work and how it increases productivity.
Illustration for an article about annoying people at pubs
Follow up to the E.H.B.L.O. illustration
Work experience

Work experience

A selection of illustration that I did during my work-experience with Julie van Zessen and Evalien Lang


Creative Fields