In this great project produced by the Miagui studio I was responsible for some models of the scenes, like sidewalk shops and some items that are inside the car and items that are scattered around the city, working with modeling, shader and light.
Director:Cássio Braga
Cliente Manager:Mariana Graeff
Producers:Vinicius Klein (Supervisor) and Livia Gregory
Art Direction: Cássio Braga,Lucas Bica and Mica Cruz 
3D Artists: Jefferson D'allest(Supervisor),Mica Cruz(Supervisor),Arthur Amorin, Daniel Trindade, Luan Pinto, Matheus Alves and Thomas Schiehl
Post Production Artists:Aline Freitas(Supervisor), Cássio Braga(Supervisor), Arthur Amorin, Bruno Closs and Rafael Pagini
Development:Pipe Digital
Honda - Fit 2018
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