On January 29th, 2012, I began a 365-day Illustration project as a way to force myself outside of my comfort zone. Outside of my previous routine. Outside of designing the things I knew how to design. Not only did this project challenge me creatively, it challenged me to spend time every day creating this series. It followed me from my home, to friends homes, to airports, to coffee shops, to Halifax, Toronto and Edmonton, oh my!
My goal was to create an illustrative style that reflected my beliefs in design: Less is More. My goal was to be entirely self-indulgent. And it was, I admit, entirely worth it.
One illustration per day from January 29, 2012 to January 28, 2013, by Jag Nagra of Page 84 Design
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365-Day Illustration project by Jag Nagra of Page 84 Design

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