Bear-Bear, graphite pencil, 40" x 26", 2012. 
Carrie Pig, graphite pencil, 40" x 26", 2012.
Pig on Pig on Pigs, screen print on cotton, 6' x 4', 2012. 
Tea Time Cake, graphite pencil and tea, 50" x 38", 2012. 
Color, gel light filters and wire, 2012. 
Color, gel light filters and wire, 2012. 
Crown, iron, 7" x 6" x 7", 2012. 
Canopy, 2012. 
Canopy, 2012. 
Canopy, 2012. 
2013 MICA Scholarship Application

2013 MICA Scholarship Application

Entry for MICA 2013 Competative Scholarship


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