After the first project my team and I had with Gigital, I was hired as a part time UX-designer and user researcher. Since then I have been given different tasks to work on and also taken my own initiative to create wireframes and prototypes for changes to their website. 
UX-designer and user researcher
I usually start by brainstorming within the company or finding a problem through google analytics or by browsing the website. From there I move into a research phase where I try to get qualitative data from the target audience through testing the different functions. If the functions are small I tend to look into commonly used interfaces for inspiration to try to create something as seamless and easy to use as theirs. 
When doing quantitative research I have created surveys that have been sent out to customers in order to make sure what I will create is something that they really need and are looking for. Since I also take care of the google analytics for the website I track the users’ behavioral patterns, for example where they land, from what type of device and where they might bounce. 
Then I move onto creating rough mockups with pen and paper that I show around at the company. To make sure that nothing is too hard to code or out of the ordinary I work very closely with the developers from the beginning of the process. 
From the drawings I then move into Sketch and create mockups that I then put into marvel to create prototypes to test until I have reached something that the users, me and my company are happy with.

(Edit view of artist profile)
(On-boarding process when creating an account)

