Brew Dog was founded in 2007 by James Watt and Martin Dickie. With a love of craft beer their dream was to share their passion for lovingly crafted beers and ales.
Over 6 years later, with a variety of bars opening up across Europe and a new purpose built brewery it seems dreams do come true.
By infusing and educating others about the wonders of craft beer, some shrewd publicity and a lot of hard work Brew Dog have built a reputation for great beers and ales and a love of all things craft beer related.
Brew Dog ran an open competition to design their next posters which would be sold in their various bars. We designed a set of 3 posters which showed some of the Brew Dog values.
"Protecting craft beer since 2007" - the Brew Dog logo is at the centre of the circle made up of bottles to show Brew Dog is at the heart of the craft beer movement in the UK.

"Enlightening your taste buds since 2007" - exclamation mark made up of the Brew Dog logo and bottle.
"Sticking it to the man since 2007" - two bottles representing two fingers up to the man.

The winning entries are still to be decided but we are happy with hows these developed in a short space of time.
Brew Dog

Brew Dog

Posters designs for Brew Dog poster competition #PosterDog
