Abuse on women happens in many forms and on many levels, from domestic abuse to global human trafficking and oppression. Making this issue the focus of my next project I created a poster that visually portrays how women are mentally, emotionally and/or physically imprisoned by their oppressors. I chose to keep the profiles ambiguous and non-specific to sex, race, age or religion and utilized a prison bar motif that slowly breaks apart. The bold art deco inspired typeface accompanies the shattered screaming profiles and the limited color palette with bright red contrast creates a somber feel allowing for the copy, "Stop! Abuse of Women" to be read more immediately.

If you know someone who is a victim of abuse or want to find out more information on abuse against women and how you can help, please click the links below.

Human Trafficking: Girls Educational & Mentoring Services (GEMS)
Domestic Abuse: The National Domestic Violence Hotline

art director & illustrator Jon Newman
Project #18

Project #18

I created a poster that visually portrays how women are mentally, emotionally and/or physically imprisoned by their oppressors.
