Andrew Ambrogionis profilLizette Watts profil

Blue Ribbon brand revitalization

Brand Campaign :This blue ribbon bread campaign was based on the insights that south african communities have very strong social ties and the best moments are shared around simple meals,  Thats where memories are made from, new friends made and families made stronger . The problem is that we hide behind our security walls and we needed a vehicle to bring people together  
Outdoor presence around communities 
Ambient locations and extra long picnic tables were constructed to bring more people together 
Internal and external social media content calendars were produced for a period of the 2 month launch, new sandwich ideas and community gatherings were all shared by communities nationwide . 
In a country where poverty abounds we gave the needy what is a needed most, a staple diet . social media platforms created a vehicle for us to fund and  set up over 250 distribution stations. 
Blue Ribbon brand revitalization

Blue Ribbon brand revitalization
