IMAGO. Magazine
Final project for the summer course Fashion Image & Styling in Marangoni, Paris.

In the still life section we express what a global traveler might use in each of the destinations we mentioned.

For the photoshoot, we wanted to show the different ways to use a basic garment: The white shirt. We named this section Origami because you can create infinite styles with this basic clothing and we also represented this through the origami figures, the movement and the make up. 

For the assignment, we had to use products we had at home and clothes of our own. We prepared everything, from the moodboard, selection of clothes, make up, styling, etc...
In the still life section we express what a global traveler might use in each of the destinations we mentioned.
For the photoshoot, we wanted to show the different ways to use a basic garment: The white shirt. 




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